Canadian Security Magazine

SPF founders receive award recognition for contributions to security

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News Industry News

Grant Lecky and Bonnie Butlin, co-founders of the Security Partners' Forum, are being recognized for their contributions to professional security.

Butlin is this year’s recipient of the Carleton University Alumni Association’s A.D. Dunton Alumni Award of Distinction.

The Dunton Alumni Award is named for Arnold Davidson Dunton, who was the president of the Ottawa-based university from 1958 to 1972. According to Carleton, the award is its highest alumni honour.

Butlin also received a “Women of Influence” award at the 2018 Executive Women’s Forum on Information Security, Risk Management and Privacy. The event was held Oct. 23-25 in Scottsdale, Ariz. According to the EWF website, the awards “honour four women for their accomplishments and leadership roles in the fields of Information Security, Risk Management and Privacy.” The four award categories are: Public Sector or Academia; Private Solutions Provider; Corporate Practitioner; and “One-to-Watch.” Butlin was recognized in the private solutions category.

Lecky will receive a “Leader of the Decade in Risk & Resilience” award at the Women Economic Form, which will be held in Amsterdam, March 8-9, 2019. The event has been scheduled to coincide with International Women’s Day on March 8. The “Leader” award recognizes leaders around the world in a variety of disciplines including education, technology, health-care and entrepreneurship. Several other WEF events are scheduled for next year at locales including Portugal, Tunisia and Australia.


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