IAHSS responds to hospital violence
By Canadian Security
News Health CareOn Feb. 22, it was reported that an employee at the Hospital for Special Care in New Britain, Conn., shot two of his supervisors after a disciplinary incident, authorities said. The victims were in serious but stable condition after the shooting, and the suspect was later arrested at his home, said a hospital spokesperson in an article published by CNN.com. International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) President Bryan Warren, CHPA, CPO-I, issued the following statement in response to the shooting:
“This tragic incident is the latest reminder of how critical preparation and education regarding workplace violence prevention should be to any health-care organization and that no one is exempt from the risk of such an occurrence. Workplace violence comes in many forms, and while workplace violence incident rates have statistically been much higher in the healthcare and social services industries (typically due to high risk client or patient populations acting out against clinical staff), there still exists the possibility of employee versus employee or employee versus supervisor violence such was the case in this situation. Professional associations such as the IAHSS and others are great resources to look to for best practices, education and networking opportunities so that together we can all work towards creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for all patients, clients, visitors and just as importantly, hospital staff as they seek to care for others.”
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