Canadian Security Magazine

IAHSS 50th annual conference and exhibition recap and photos

By Brine Hamilton   

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April 15-18, 2018, marked the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety’s 50th Annual Conference and Exhibition. The event returned to Chicago where the IAHSS was founded in 1968. 2018’s AC&E was host to more than 550 attendees and exhibitors. This event addressed many challenges facing healthcare security leaders today while honouring the association's past.

Pre-Conference Sessions
Prior to the official start of the conference, attendees were able to enhance their experience with pre-conference offerings. The Leadership Summit provided an opportunity for officers from some of the association’s 41 chapters to share best practices and network.
Attendees pursuing the Certified Healthcare Protection Administrator (CHPA) certification had the opportunity to participate in a CHPA review prior to challenging the exam at the conference. The Guidelines Workshop allowed attendees to work in small groups to develop IAHSS industry guidelines. Participants got an inside look at how the IAHSS Guidelines Council develops guidelines by working through the process.
Healthcare Security leaders had some opportunities to enhance their skills at the Healthcare Emergency Basics for the Security Professional session. Another opportunity available for newer leaders was the Basic Elements of Healthcare Security Management, providing tools and resources contributing to the leader’s success. The final pre-workshop was led by the legendary Chicago based improv group “The Second City Works.”
Conference Sessions and Speakers
The opening speaker for this year was Dr. Britt Berrett, co-author of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Best Seller “Patients Come Second: Leading Change by Changing the Way You Lead.” Dr. Berrett shared how he applied his past experience in healthcare leadership. The major theme in his interactive presentation and book is the idea of putting staff first. Dr. Berrett used this approach to improve HCHAPS results as well as employee morale. This session provided some practical ideas and examples that could be applied on a departmental level.
Dr. Keiron McConnell’s presentation “Who’s Your Gangster?” spoke to gang activity through the lens of a Sergeant with the Vancouver Police Organized Crime Section. Dr. McConnell’s research took him Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles, London and Hobbema, Alta. Unique geographical factors of gang violence and crime were explored during this presentation.
1999 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking and #1 Bestselling author, Craig Valentine, closed Tuesday’s conference schedule. Craig’s presentation “The 4 Rs to Remarkable Results through Leadership, Communications, and Change” was interactive and focused on leadership and change. Those in attendance were engaged for the presentation and left inspired.
In addition to the keynote sessions, leaders from across the healthcare security industry presented on a variety of topics including:
    •    “Data Aveda: Harnessing the Power of Data in the Modern Healthcare Security Program” presented by Tony York, CHPA, CPP and James Strife, CHPA, CPP, CPI, MPA, MSS
    •    “Impact of National Preparedness Goals on Practical Application: A Comparison between the U.S. and Canada” presented by Anjanette Hebert, CHPA, CHEP & Katie Subbotina – EMBC
    •    Nelson Price’s “Security K9’s in Healthcare”
    •    “Healthcare Security Management: How to Avoid Becoming a Firefighter” by Russell Richardson, CHPA
    •    “Practical CPTED Applications in a Healthcare Environment” presented by Mark Schreiber, CPP, CPD
    •    “The Integration of Healthcare Security: One Size Does Not Fit All” presented by Ben Scaglione, CHPA, CPP, CHSP, David LaRose, CHPA, CPP & Ryan La Fleur
Celebrating 50 years of History
Finally IAHSS celebrated 50 years of history with a special reception and recognition. Many of the Past Presidents of IAHSS were present including founding president Russ Colling and Canadians Jeffrey Young and Martin Green. The Monday evening 50th Anniversary Reception displayed IAHSS memorabilia from past meetings and events. Banners displayed pictures from the last 50 years and the history of the association. The IAHSS Foundation Reception Banquet also featured Canadian content as Charles Kraeling, security officer at Vancouver Island Health, was the recipient of the Medal of Valor. Charles put his own safety at risk by grounding and disarming a patient endangering staff and other patients with a knife.

This 50th Anniversary AC&E lived up to expectations and set the stage for next year’s event. Be a part of the festivities May 19-22, 2019 in Orlando, Fla., and stay tuned to for details as they become available.

Brine Hamilton is the chair of Ontario chapter of the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety.

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