4 Tips for Getting the Best from your Body Armour
By SafeGuard Clothing
Features Opinion body armor body armour safeguard clothingFor many people working in the security industry, body armour is a vital part of the uniform. Whether you guard a bank, a business site, a public event, a shopping mall, or a government institution, a certain level of risk may arise from time to time. Body armour will help protect you against various threats, from knives to high-caliber guns, but to keep it at its best, you should follow certain precautions. Below, SafeGuard Clothing present four key tips to help you keep your body armour in top condition.
Careful Cleaning:
Make sure you never immerse body armour fully in water: this can damage the fibres and ruin its protective value. Instead, clean it with care using a soapy sponge and warm water. Once washed, store the vest in a shaded, well-ventilated space to dry – lay it flat, and never hang it on a clothes line. Prolonged sunlight exposure has been shown to cause significant damage to certain protective fabrics, so avoid the temptation to leave them to dry outdoors on a bright day.
Never use Damaged Armour:
When choosing a protective vest to wear, be sure to inspect them thoroughly – check for signs of damage from previous wear. Bullet holes or slashes can leave you vulnerable to harm, so only wear a vest you can trust. To perform your security duties to the best of your abilities, you need to feel reassured of the armour’s safety at all times, so always make time to check.
Only use a Vest for its Intended Application:
Each piece of body armour is designed to protect against specific weapons and ammunition – you should never assume one will cover you in any situation. While multipurpose vests are available, the vast majority of body armour will cover you against specific weapons: for example, a bullet proof vest will offer no effective protection against blades, and a stab vest cannot resist bullets. A full range of armour should always be available for you to choose from to suit various assignments and potential risks.
Preparation is Key:
While you can never know exactly what each shift will bring, you should always be prepared for any situation. For example, no matter how many times you patrol an office complex on the graveyard shift without trouble, you can never rule out the risk of vandals or criminals attempting to break in. To this end, body armour should always be on hand. Covert vests are available to wear underneath clothing, which offers reliable lightweight protection without affecting your uniform. Alternatively, you may prefer to wear overt body armour – which sits over your clothing – as a potential deterrent to troublemakers, demonstrating your prepared state of mind.
Body armour can mean the difference between life and death, and its value should never be underestimated. Take good care of your protective vests, and they’ll take good care of you.
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